Marketing Materials
To download images to market to your database, right click to copy or save the image. We'll be adding more resources to this page over the next few weeks.
Emails / Banners
- 650 x 150 px
Please link to https://www.adxbrisbane.org.au

Reverse Logo
Social Media Tiles
- 1080 x 1080 px
- Please link to https://www.adxbrisbane.org.au
Tag us in your ADX Brisbane posts!
Whether you’re announcing your stand, showcasing your products, or inviting your audience to visit, make sure to tag us so we can share your content.
Tag us:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adxexpo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ADXexpo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/australian-dental-industry-association
Use our hashtags:
#ADXBrisbane #DentalEvent #CPD #VisitBrisbane #ADXexpo #Brisbane #ADXBrisbane2025
Customer Invitation Template
(Please feel free to copy, personalise, and send to your database.)
Dear <name>
<Company name> is exhibiting at ADX Brisbane, 20 - 22 March 2025 and we'd love to see you there. Registration is FREE! Childcare is FREE!
We'll be showcasing <products or services you'd like to highlight> to help your dental practice be even more successful.
Will you join us there? Click here to register and for more information.
Contact us on <phone or email> to pre-book an appointment with our friendly staff.
We're looking forward to seeing you there.
<your signature>